Visit Penistone - the natural centre of the East Peak
Wortley Hall

Food and Drink in and around Penistone

General information

There's no shortage of places to eat in the Pensitone area. Whether it's a snack or something more substantial, you're bound to find something to your taste.

How to use the map

There are four categories: restaurants (red markers); cafés (green); pubs (purple - most serve food); takeaways (orange).

Scroll up and down to reveal Pubs and Takeaways or Restaurants and Cafés.

Hover over names in the table to highlight the location on the map or click to reveal both location and info. Click markers on the map itself to reveal info & photo. Use "+" and "-" on the right to zoom in and out.

To enter full screen mode, click the "broken square" icon at the right of the black title bar,

If you can't see the table (probably because you're using a mobile phone) click the fullscreen ("broken square") icon at the top right of the black bar to visit the actual Google Map or use this link (opens in new window).

To change the format of the background map (road, satellite etc) scroll down to the bottom of the table click the arrow next to "Base Map" and choose from the options.

A list of all the places in the map above along with other useful information can be found in the essentials section of main Visit Penistone site.

Food and Drink

Staying in self-catering accommodation and too busy to cook? Find your nearest restaurant, takeway, café or pub here!
Click here to view the Food & Drinkmap.

Attractions Map

There's plenty to see and do in the area. Here's a selection of attractions and things to do in the days leading up to the event.
Click here to view the Attractions map.